Friday 23 November 2012

Developing ideas

our group has come up with a few ideas that that will need some developing to be relevant to our song choice. 

we're going to have shots during the main chorus where the band is set infront of alternating locations. Whilst the lead singer is miming the song, we will have the other band members in the back ground. we will try to make sure that the camera  doesn't focus on the lead singer to much because his lip sinking wont be perfect

we wil have everyone in the band wearing different costumes and have a different setting in the back ground and cut to different setting through out the music video which gives us more variation to the video.

Another possible idea is to film the lead singer singing from different angles. That way we can cut between the the different angles during the video to make it more visually interesting. A key part of the filming process will be creating enough variety and change to keep the viewer interested despite there being no actual story, a challenge we are going to tackle with unique shots and edits. another thing is that band are very creative in what they wear so while we are filming.

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