Wednesday 24 April 2013

Question 2 - Evaluation

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts (DVD Digipak, Magazine Advert)?

The combination between the magazine advert and the digipak is very effective due to the fact we kept both very simply and clear for the audience. 

This is our digipak, the digipak very good and effective because it is very colourful and simple it will attract people to the digipak, also the colours also to do with fire and the song name its fire+bone.

We decided to change the idea of the digipak to go with a more Minimalist approach than before. by doing so we appear to have a more professional looking product then before so it look much more simpler and original 

An example of a minimalist album cover is 'Suck it and see' by the Arctic Monkeys. Where they took this idea to an extreme by just having text on a blank background, as you can see

Another inspiration for our Digipak front cover gradient design is from looking at the poster for the Movie 'Moon'

As you can see from the poster, the gradient circle in the middle draws you to look at the character in the Astronaut suit. We took this idea to mind and created a circle the gradients from Red to Yellow (To represent the colours of a fire). And then added black text going around in a circle so that it stands out more the further you go down the circle.

This is our magazine advert it is very effective because we actually originally got the picture for the magazine-ad from the music video so when the public see this they can straight away relate the the music video straight away. Also this is a picture of the lead singer so people who like him or hi music they will pick up the magazine. 

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