Friday 19 October 2012

Copy right

Copyright is a legal concept, enacted by most governments, giving the creator of an original work exclusive rights to it, usually for a limited time. Generally, it is "the right to copy", but also gives the copyright holder the right to be credited for the work, to determine who may adapt the work to other forms, who may perform the work, who may financially benefit from it, and other related rights. It is a form of intellectual property (like the patent, the trademark, and the trade secret) applicable to any expressible form of an idea or information that is substantive and discrete.

Music is mostly copy right because they don't want other artist to use there songs because there other artist my use there songs and idea and get all the fame from it. this is why we are using un signed artists that are not really out there and  want there music and the name to be more noticed so they let us use there music to make a music video. 

Wednesday 17 October 2012

Emil Nava

In lesson today, we went through Emil Nava's case study.
Case study2
Began as a runner for film production companies and worked for Blink productions. Now freelances for OB management, after working as a runner graduated to assistant director where he would manage video shoots. Emil Nava signed to academy, who are the biggest music video production company
Emil Nava has now begun to make adverts , which generally have a far higher budget and production values but which allow for less creative freedom. He decided to direct adverts like this (see below) simply because he wanted to enhance is career status and make people aware of the videos he directed.

At his busiest, Emil has made 24 music videos in one year.
When he began shooting videos for independent labels the budget would be as low as £5,000 - £10,000.
His most expensive video to date has been for the artist Jessie J and the budget for the film was £160,000.

Emil's first budget was for the band Kid British and their track Our House
  • The budget for that music video was £20,000
  • The location was set in Manchester
  • The cast involved local people
  • 1 day for the filming
  • 2/3 days for the editing
  • 10 days pre-planning
  • demonstrates the very tight timescale involved.

OB Management work as agents for music videos directors and their aim is to simply;
  • Nurture talent
  • Work with production companies
  • Work with record labels
  • Match the right director to the right artists 
Some of the production companies that OB work with are :
  • Pulse films
  • Rocket
  • Agile Films
  • Friends
  • Wonda 

    Monday 8 October 2012

    Jamie Thraves case study

    Jamie Thraves (born James Thraves, 1969) is a British film writer and director.

    The director Jamie Thraves made short films at university which was an award winning short film. he used this short film as a "calling card"to get in to get a foot in the door with the video production company factory film. he began by shooting three very low budget music video which cost around 5000 each.

    Jamie Thraves began making early short experimental films in 1989 at Hull University, having previously studied illustration . His graduation film Scratch(1991) and The Take-Out (1993) (made under the BFI New Directors scheme) both went on to win numerous awards at short film festivals worldwide. He joined the Royal College Of Art in 1993 where he made another award winning film, The Hackney Downs (1994). After leaving the RCA he joined Oil Factory, a music video company, making his breakthrough video for Radiohead for their song "Just" where a man lies on the pavement and is confronted by an angry crowd, this video garnered Thraves a lot of attention for its strong narrative structure and use of subtitles, what the man says to make the crowd lie down at the end of the video still manages to cause great discussion amongst fans some fifteen years later. Thraves made one more short film I Just Want To Kiss You (1997), starring Martin Freeman which won the Fox Searchlight Award for Best Short Film at the Edinburgh International Film Festival in 1998.

     Radiohead 'just'

    Thraves made his first feature, The Low Down (2000), with Film 4. It starred Aidan Gillen, Kate Ashfield and Dean Lennox Kelly. The film was named among the "neglected masterpieces" of film history by The Observer in its rundown of 50 Lost Movie Classics. Thraves has continued to make music videos for such artists as The Verve, Blur and Coldplay. His video for Coldplay's The Scientist won three Moon Men at the 2003 VMA'S in the US, including Best Direction andBreakthrough Video.

    Coldplay 'The Scientist'

    Friday 5 October 2012

    My favourite music video


    Promoting music videos

    • Advertisement 
    • Draws attention to the music/song
    • Illustrate the song
    • Appeals to a visual audience 
    • Expresses an individuals emotions
    • Tells a story
    • Markets an image 
    • Promotes he artist/ single/ album
    • Persuade audience to buy CD/Downloads 
    • Raises the audience awareness or profile to the artist/group
    • To make an artistic statement- e.g 'talking head once in a lifetime'
    • Product placement e.g. Christine Aguilera and perfumes

    Wednesday 3 October 2012

    How might we measure the success criteria of music promo video?

    -Word of mouth
    -Number of hits on youtube
    -News paper articles/tv reports
    -Known many times shown on televisions
    -Amount of publicity
    -CD sales