Monday 17 December 2012



Friday 7 December 2012

Planning the video

Location needed;

  • park
  • garages 
  • shops 
  • playing park 
  • pathways
  • and any distinctive setting we may come across while filming
we need to have all the other people in the band that isn't singing to be doing something interesting so that the scene doesn't look boring and everyone to watch only one person lip sinking which will very boring.


Friday 30 November 2012


Lyrics: 'Fire + Bones' by The Midnight Heavy

Dirty and I just don't care,
Dirty when you run your nails through my hair,
Dirty undercover lover
Lay yourself around me

It's dirty when you call my name
It's dirty when you pull my hair like a mane,
Dirty undercover lover, lay yourself around me
Round me, round me

Loose your buttons and bows
Get some fire in your bones (ohhhh oh oh oh)
What's it to ya

And now we're sipping it up,
Just tearin' it up
Just the passion of love

And now we're sipping it up
Just tearin' it up
Just the passion of love

Dirty when you call my name 
Dirty when you pull my hair like a mane
Dirty undercover lover
Lay yourself around me

Dirty and I just don't care
Dirty wen you pull my hair and hair
Dirty undercover lover
Lay yourself around me
Round me, round me

Loose your buttons and bows
Get some fire in your bones (ohhhh oh oh oh)
What's it to ya

And now we're sipping it up
Just tearin' it up
Just the passion of love

Planing our music video

Before we decide to go out to film we made sure that the weather is okay to video because we all can get together to go video and it starts to rain really bad then it would be a waste of time and we wouldn't get anything done.

Planning our music videos

Our main search criteria was to look for places that have a gritty look to them, with a splash colour. but mainly that they have distinctive characteristics about them. We don't really want beautiful places or nice areas we need somewhere which will suit our kind of music kinder rock not really a love song.

The local park fits our description for what we are looking for. And parts of it will most likely be used in our filming process. Along with the distinctive colours of the tress at this time of year, it has a slightly darker look that is brought about by the colours themselves.

Wednesday 28 November 2012

Resource for our music video

4 band members ( At least one male for the singer)
Camera tape
Several locations, varying from parks to places of distinct colours perhaps, Example garages and parks.
Several types of clothing for the members of the band.

Monday 26 November 2012

music video

This is a great example of a band music video. This music video has many different costumes and different cuts of the band members playing with different instruments. The theme of the whole music video is party which suits the song because it about friday night which is the song name.  The whole video has that sort of quirky attitude which I like and fits in well with the indie genre. The video also cuts between clips of the singer and clips of young people at a party drinking and laughing with the song playing over the top of this. 

Friday 23 November 2012

Developing ideas

our group has come up with a few ideas that that will need some developing to be relevant to our song choice. 

we're going to have shots during the main chorus where the band is set infront of alternating locations. Whilst the lead singer is miming the song, we will have the other band members in the back ground. we will try to make sure that the camera  doesn't focus on the lead singer to much because his lip sinking wont be perfect

we wil have everyone in the band wearing different costumes and have a different setting in the back ground and cut to different setting through out the music video which gives us more variation to the video.

Another possible idea is to film the lead singer singing from different angles. That way we can cut between the the different angles during the video to make it more visually interesting. A key part of the filming process will be creating enough variety and change to keep the viewer interested despite there being no actual story, a challenge we are going to tackle with unique shots and edits. another thing is that band are very creative in what they wear so while we are filming.

Wednesday 14 November 2012

Our survey monkey

Here is a link to my survey about music videos on Survey Monkey:

Click here to take survey

Here's a screen shot of my SurveyMonkey Questionnaire,below it shows two results for each question :


All these questions we asked will help our group think through what people are looking for in a music video. Also what we need to do to satisfy some music listeners that know what they want in a music video. We made sure that we took results in and made sure we worked to wards what answer they gave most. 

Animatic-story board

Monday 12 November 2012

Focus group / Audience research

We will get some student or staff to be our focus group, so that we know what the geranial pubic thinks about our song. We have a list of questions we write up that we will ask;
·         Why they like it?
·         What they don’t like about it?
·         What mood does it put you in?
·         Describe the band /singer?
·         What scene/location would you expect to see it in?
·         What do you think the song is about?

Sunday 11 November 2012

Preliminary Exercise- What I learned

From our preliminary task I have learned that there is so much to improve in our music video. Thing like camera angles, mise en scene which would be more effective in our preliminary task because in our preliminary task our singers are dress in sixth form uniform which doesn’t look like real musical. Another thing that was wrong with our video is that our setting was in school and we never left the premises to film. Most music videos are filming on a street or in a studio but never in school gardens, because we don’t have money to rent out any studios of get great props but we will use the street and get people who fit the part

Friday 9 November 2012

Preliminary exercise


Frankie one of our group members email the bang to get permission to use there music in our music video

Unsigned/ chosen artist profile

The website is a website where new artists who want there music to be herd and known put there music on this website. Some of the big names what are in the music industry came form this web site.

Unsigned's Mission: " is dedicated to providing independent Artists from solo, trio to bands, the best outlet possible to be heard globally on the Internet. Just as important is our goal to provide you, the Artists, with a new revenue and distribution model for your music."

The artist we are using for our music video are The midnight heavy which is a band of 4 form essex and live in southend. 
Heres a link to listen to the song;

Audio clip

famous album art analysis

Firstly there isn't an artists name on the front cover, this means the artist i well known and doesn't need his name on the front. Also with out a name on the front it would also make someone pick it up to find out who is actually the artist. On the front cover theres a naked women on the front covering her breast and a lot of rap music has to do with girls. On the back of the album cover there isn't a list of the songs on the back so that means you need to buy the album to find out which is a good idea to sale the album

Wednesday 7 November 2012


what goes on a digipak

  • name of artist and album
  • track list
  • barcode and record company logo
  • six panels 
  • spin-name of artist and album
  • disk impression
  • an image of the band on the in sire

The most common CD Digipaks is the 4 panel Digipak which opens like a book. However 6 panel CD Dipipaks are also very popular, providing a larger canvas for CD artwork and text information about the CD. 8 panel and even 10 panel CD Digipaks are also available. In fact, being made from cardboard stock, the number of panels, CD trays and CD booklets mean that CD Digipak combinations almost infinite – such versatility makes it is easy to see how the CD DigiPak has become such a popular CD packaging solution.

Sunday 4 November 2012

Product Placement

The company which owns the product pays the production company of the music video to put their product within the video with an aim of advertising their product. Rap music is a good example of this because they constently rap about money girls ad cars so in the video there will be a lot of product placement.

Vox pops

The word Vox Pops comes from Latin 'Vox populi' meaning 'voice of the people'.
Usually the interviewees are shown in public places and are supposed to be giving put-on-the-spot-opinions. Vox Pops are often used on news programmes to show balance. Each person is asked the same questions, the aim is to get a variety of answers and opinions. Journalists are usually instructed to approach a wide range of people to get varied answers from different points of view.

We prepare the following questions to ask people for our vox pops:
-Do you watch music videos?
-What is your favourite music video?
-What is it that you like about music videos?
-What do you think makes a good music video?

Examples of vox pops 

Vox pops

our vox pops

our vox pops wasn't the best in the class but thats a good thing because we now know what we need to improve on for our final proper vox pops.things like our location, the questions we ask, and our camra work needs to be improved.

Friday 19 October 2012

Copy right

Copyright is a legal concept, enacted by most governments, giving the creator of an original work exclusive rights to it, usually for a limited time. Generally, it is "the right to copy", but also gives the copyright holder the right to be credited for the work, to determine who may adapt the work to other forms, who may perform the work, who may financially benefit from it, and other related rights. It is a form of intellectual property (like the patent, the trademark, and the trade secret) applicable to any expressible form of an idea or information that is substantive and discrete.

Music is mostly copy right because they don't want other artist to use there songs because there other artist my use there songs and idea and get all the fame from it. this is why we are using un signed artists that are not really out there and  want there music and the name to be more noticed so they let us use there music to make a music video. 

Wednesday 17 October 2012

Emil Nava

In lesson today, we went through Emil Nava's case study.
Case study2
Began as a runner for film production companies and worked for Blink productions. Now freelances for OB management, after working as a runner graduated to assistant director where he would manage video shoots. Emil Nava signed to academy, who are the biggest music video production company
Emil Nava has now begun to make adverts , which generally have a far higher budget and production values but which allow for less creative freedom. He decided to direct adverts like this (see below) simply because he wanted to enhance is career status and make people aware of the videos he directed.

At his busiest, Emil has made 24 music videos in one year.
When he began shooting videos for independent labels the budget would be as low as £5,000 - £10,000.
His most expensive video to date has been for the artist Jessie J and the budget for the film was £160,000.

Emil's first budget was for the band Kid British and their track Our House
  • The budget for that music video was £20,000
  • The location was set in Manchester
  • The cast involved local people
  • 1 day for the filming
  • 2/3 days for the editing
  • 10 days pre-planning
  • demonstrates the very tight timescale involved.

OB Management work as agents for music videos directors and their aim is to simply;
  • Nurture talent
  • Work with production companies
  • Work with record labels
  • Match the right director to the right artists 
Some of the production companies that OB work with are :
  • Pulse films
  • Rocket
  • Agile Films
  • Friends
  • Wonda 

    Monday 8 October 2012

    Jamie Thraves case study

    Jamie Thraves (born James Thraves, 1969) is a British film writer and director.

    The director Jamie Thraves made short films at university which was an award winning short film. he used this short film as a "calling card"to get in to get a foot in the door with the video production company factory film. he began by shooting three very low budget music video which cost around 5000 each.

    Jamie Thraves began making early short experimental films in 1989 at Hull University, having previously studied illustration . His graduation film Scratch(1991) and The Take-Out (1993) (made under the BFI New Directors scheme) both went on to win numerous awards at short film festivals worldwide. He joined the Royal College Of Art in 1993 where he made another award winning film, The Hackney Downs (1994). After leaving the RCA he joined Oil Factory, a music video company, making his breakthrough video for Radiohead for their song "Just" where a man lies on the pavement and is confronted by an angry crowd, this video garnered Thraves a lot of attention for its strong narrative structure and use of subtitles, what the man says to make the crowd lie down at the end of the video still manages to cause great discussion amongst fans some fifteen years later. Thraves made one more short film I Just Want To Kiss You (1997), starring Martin Freeman which won the Fox Searchlight Award for Best Short Film at the Edinburgh International Film Festival in 1998.

     Radiohead 'just'

    Thraves made his first feature, The Low Down (2000), with Film 4. It starred Aidan Gillen, Kate Ashfield and Dean Lennox Kelly. The film was named among the "neglected masterpieces" of film history by The Observer in its rundown of 50 Lost Movie Classics. Thraves has continued to make music videos for such artists as The Verve, Blur and Coldplay. His video for Coldplay's The Scientist won three Moon Men at the 2003 VMA'S in the US, including Best Direction andBreakthrough Video.

    Coldplay 'The Scientist'

    Friday 5 October 2012

    My favourite music video


    Promoting music videos

    • Advertisement 
    • Draws attention to the music/song
    • Illustrate the song
    • Appeals to a visual audience 
    • Expresses an individuals emotions
    • Tells a story
    • Markets an image 
    • Promotes he artist/ single/ album
    • Persuade audience to buy CD/Downloads 
    • Raises the audience awareness or profile to the artist/group
    • To make an artistic statement- e.g 'talking head once in a lifetime'
    • Product placement e.g. Christine Aguilera and perfumes

    Wednesday 3 October 2012

    How might we measure the success criteria of music promo video?

    -Word of mouth
    -Number of hits on youtube
    -News paper articles/tv reports
    -Known many times shown on televisions
    -Amount of publicity
    -CD sales

    Monday 24 September 2012

    Top 10

    1. # Michael Jackson: Thriller
    2. # Peter Gabriel: Sledgehammer
    3. # A-ha: Take on Me
    4. # Queen: Bohemian Rhapsody
    5. # Madonna: Like a Prayer
    6. # Robbie Williams: Rock DJ
    7. # Michael Jackson: Billie Jean
    8. # The Verve: Bittersweet Symphony
    9. # Madonna: Vogue
    10. # Nirvana: Smells Like Teen Spirit

    thriller 1983/ Michael Jackson
    Michael jackson made the most expensive video at the time, cost close to a million dollars. he might of spent a lot of money but was worth it because it got the most counted views ever. No one really new Michael but this music video made him one of the best. the video lasted like 15 minutes long one of the longest music video ever

    madonna/ vogue 
    This music video was very different to other music videos because it was more to do with religion, not a lot of artists actually make music videos to do with religion because it may offend people and lose fns. But because Madonna was so famous and well know she took the risk of making a music video about making love with a black Jesus which was so different to other music videos it number 9 out of  100

    Sunday 23 September 2012

    Top 100 music video's

    In lesson we had to look at 100 greatest music videos of all time. The whole purpose of this was to be able to see the significance to each video in terms of what makes it stand out, does the choreography/acting match u with the lyrics in the video at all and so many others. We also discussed the history of some of this videos to.

    1. # Michael Jackson: Thriller
    2. # Peter Gabriel: Sledgehammer
    3. # A-ha: Take on Me
    4. # Queen: Bohemian Rhapsody
    5. # Madonna: Like a Prayer
    6. # Robbie Williams: Rock DJ
    7. # Michael Jackson: Billie Jean
    8. # The Verve: Bittersweet Symphony
    9. # Madonna: Vogue
    10. # Nirvana: Smells Like Teen Spirit
    11. # Coldplay: The Scientist
    12. # Michael & Janet Jackson: Scream
    13. # Pink Floyd: Another Brick in the Wall
    14. # Christina Aguilera: Dirrty
    15. # REM: Everybody Hurts
    16. # OutKast: Hey Ya
    17. # Blur: Coffee & TV
    18. # Beyonce: Crazy in Love
    19. # Madonna: Material Girl
    20. # Gorillaz: Clint Eastwood
    21. # Queen: I Want to Break Free
    22. # Justin Timberlake: Cry Me a River
    23. # Britney Spears: ...Baby One More Time
    24. # Radiohead: No Surprises
    25. # Madness: Baggy Trousers
    26. # TLC: Waterfalls
    27. # David Bowie: Ashes to Ashes
    28. # Foo Fighters: Learn to Fly
    29. # Electric Six: Gay Bar
    30. # Weezer: Buddy Holly
    31. # Eminem: Stan
    32. # Chris Isaak: Wicked Game
    33. # U2: The Sweetest Thing
    34. # The White Stripes: Fell in Love with a Girl
    35. # Sinead O'Connor: Nothing Compares 2U
    36. # Red Hot Chili Peppers: Give It Away
    37. # Guns N Roses: November Rain
    38. # Fatboy Slim: Weapon of Choice
    39. # Pulp: Common People
    40. # Missy Elliot: Get Ur Freak On
    41. # The Spice Girls: Wannabe
    42. # Bjork: It's Oh So Quiet
    43. # Dire Straits: Money for Nothing
    44. # Kylie Minogue: Can't Get You Out of My Head
    45. # Aerosmith: Crazy
    46. # Adam & the Ants: Prince Charming
    47. # The Prodigy: Firestarter
    48. # Johnny Cash: Hurt
    49. # Jamiroquai: Virtual Insanity
    50. # Paul Simon: You Can Call Me Al
    51. # Run DMC & Aerosmith: Walk This Way
    52. # Massive Attack: Teardrop
    53. # Wham: Club Tropicana
    54. # Daft Punk: Around the World
    55. # Fatboy Slim: Praise You
    56. # Eminem: Without Me
    57. # Meatloaf: I'd Do Anything for Love (But I Won't Do That)
    58. # The Cure: Close to Me
    59. # Abba: Knowing Me, Knowing You
    60. # Eurythmics: Sweet Dreams
    61. # The Prodigy: Smack My Bitch Up
    62. # Blur: Parklife
    63. # George Michael: Outside
    64. # Bjork: Human Behaviour
    65. # Aphex Twin: Windowlicker
    66. # Bob Dylan: Subterranean Homesick Blues
    67. # The Beastie Boys: Sabotage
    68. # Madonna: Ray of Light
    69. # Frankie Goes to Hollywood: Two Tribes
    70. # The Police: Every Breath You Take
    71. # Bjork: All Is Full of Love
    72. # Robert Palmer: Addicted to Love
    73. # Basement Jaxx: Where's Your Head At?
    74. # Wu-Tang Clan: Gravel Pit
    75. # Duran Duran: Rio
    76. # The Beatles: Strawberry Fields
    77. # MC Hammer: U Can't Touch This
    78. # Godley and Creme: Cry
    79. # New Order: True Faith
    80. # Radiohead: Just
    81. # Ultravox: Vienna
    82. # 50 Cent: In Da Club
    83. # Shakespear's Sister: Stay
    84. # The Boomtown Rats: I Don't Like Mondays
    85. # Sid Vicious: My Way
    86. # The Streets: Fit But You Know It
    87. # Talking Heads: Once in a Lifetime
    88. # Elton John: I Want Love
    89. # Smashing Pumpkins: Tonight Tonight
    90. # The Pet Shop Boys: Go West
    91. # The Specials: Ghost Town
    92. # Herbie Hancock: Rockit
    93. # The Rolling Stones: We Love You
    94. # Bonnie Tyler: Total Eclipse of the Heart
    95. # The Cardigans: My Favourite Game
    96. # So Solid Crew: 21 Seconds
    97. # Cornershop: Brimful of Asha
    98. # Bronski Beat: Smalltown Boy
    99. # Supergrass: Pumping on Your Stereo
    100. # Musical Youth: Pass the Dutchie